Warning over post-lockdown youth unemployment in Midlands

June 19, 2020

Read more on Expressandstar.com

Business and political leaders in the Midlands have been warned not to forget a generation of young people whose employment prospects will be dented by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Kevin Davis chairs the Ladder apprenticeships campaign, set up to help those starting on the path into work. He is also CEO of the Vine Trust and a board member of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership.

Writing in a newspaper article, Kevin has called on decision makers in all sectors to put youth employment higher up the list of priorities.

Osborn PR supports the Ladder apprenticeships campaign, which has helped thousands of young people make their first steps into employment.

Kevin warns: “It is inevitable that business leaders look at how they can stay profitable in the next business quarter or the remainder of this year, but we all need to take a more long-term view.

“No matter how small the opportunity offered to a young person today, it will make a big difference to their lives and the future economic prosperity of our region.

“If every company closes the door to young people, whether that is a permanent first rung role, an apprenticeship or other training scheme, or even a work experience placement we will all see the skills gap grow in years to come.”

Read the full Express & Star article here: https://www.expressandstar.com/news/voices/in-depth/2020/06/19/youth-unemployment-faces-worrying-rise-following-covid-19-pandemic-says-vine-trust-boss/

Find out more about the Ladder apprenticeships campaign here


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