We help you tell your story through high quality content created once, then shared across multiple social media channels to engage the widest, relevant audience, writes Osborn director Chris Leggett.
For many clients, particularly family-owned companies, compiling a plan which sees growth on the likes of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter is an ambition which they never find the time to fulfil.
We work with all clients to help them see the opportunities of growing a social audience. This does not always have to be in the thousands.
Having a couple of hundred LinkedIn followers, for example, who regularly like or comment on your content is invaluable if they include trusted partners, suppliers and industry leaders.
Credibility cannot be manufactured so we ensure clients and their key figures are front and centre of all activity.
With professional, engaging content at the core of their strategies, we work with them to share their news in a timely manner, building engagement which can open new conversations and generate fresh opportunities.
To find out how we can help, get in touch via the form below.