Do we need a new website?

April 28, 2023

Do we need a new website?

Did you know that it can take a visitor to your website less than a second to form an impression of your business? 

A customer’s first impression of your organisation is almost always online, so if your website isn’t representing you the way you want it to, you might want to consider a refresh. 

So, what are the signs that a relaunch should be on the cards?

Your website isn’t user-friendly

Website users should be able to find what they’re looking for within a couple of clicks – whether that’s your contact details, products, prices or services. If your menu navigation isn’t intuitive, you need to review it. 

Another sign that your website isn’t as user-friendly as it could be is that it’s slow. Nearly half of people give up on a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load.

It looks out of date

Are you happy with how your website looks? How does it compare with those of your competitors?  If your competitors’ sites are making yours look outdated, you might want to consider an upgrade. If your website looks unappealing, customers might assume that your products and services are, too.

It isn’t mobile-friendly

How responsive your website is will have a significant effect on search engine results. If your website content doesn’t display effectively on mobile devices, it’s unlikely to rank highly on Google. More than half of all web traffic comes from visitors using mobile devices, and the percentage is growing every year. When users arrive on a website that doesn’t work well on their mobile, they’re not likely to stay on it for very long.

It doesn’t generate leads or enquiries

If you want your website to be generating new sales leads and it’s not, then it could be time for a rethink. 

Can your customers find you on Google? If not, then you might not be ranking as well as you could be. Getting a new, responsive and well optimised website could help.

You’re struggling to update the content

If your content management system doesn’t enable you to make changes to your website content easily in-house, then you might want to think about upgrading. Having to rely on a web developer every time you need a small change making can be time consuming and costly. A newer, more modern CMS might make things simpler and save time and money in the long term.

Speak to us

If you’re thinking about a new website, Osborn Communications can help. Get in touch.

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