Do we need a new website?
Did you know that it can take a visitor to your website less than a second to form an impression of your business?
A customer’s first impression of your organisation is almost always online, so if your website isn’t representing you the way you want it to, you might want to consider a refresh.
So, what are the signs that a relaunch should be on the cards?
Your website isn’t user-friendly
Another sign that your website isn’t as user-friendly as it could be is that it’s slow. Nearly half of people give up on a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load.
It looks out of date
It isn’t mobile-friendly
It doesn’t generate leads or enquiries
Can your customers find you on Google? If not, then you might not be ranking as well as you could be. Getting a new, responsive and well optimised website could help.
You’re struggling to update the content
Speak to us
If you’re thinking about a new website, Osborn Communications can help. Get in touch.