Do I need a news section on my website?
Having a news section on your website is an important part of creating an engaging and informative website, and it can help you stand out from the crowd.
Whether or not you could benefit from featuring news depends on a number of factors, including the type of website you have, your target audience and your marketing goals, but here are a few reasons why you might want to consider adding news content to your site:
To attract new visitors
Having news on your website can help attract new visitors who are interested in the topics you cover. As well as traditional news, your news section could offer helpful advice articles answering common questions related to your business and industry.
To increase engagement with existing visitors
Once visitors arrive at your website, news can help keep them engaged by providing up-to-date information. It can provide a reason for people to return regularly.
To improve search engine rankings
Google and other search engines love fresh and relevant content, so having news on your website can help boost your rankings.
To build trust and credibility
Producing well-written news articles can make your business look more professional. They can enable customers and partners to feel more connected and are an easy way to make your website look up to date.
To increase brand awareness
News articles can help to increase brand awareness for your business and highlight how you are different from your competitors. They are a great opportunity to reiterate key messages about your organisation, for example your values.
To promote new products and services
If you’ve got new products or services, you want to promote them in as many places as possible. Why not make them headline news and link through to the relevant webpages where they can be purchased? A news section is also a great place to feature case studies on successful projects and clients.
To provide landing pages to direct people to from social media
Posting photos of events and achievements on social media is great, but sometimes there’s more to a story than can fit in a social media post, so you might want to link through to a full news article on your website. This is a great opportunity to drive traffic to your website.
To attract new recruits
It’s all very well having a careers section on your website stating that your business is a great place to work, but people want to see this in practice. News articles highlighting colleague achievements, learning and development opportunities and community involvement can demonstrate that you really are a fantastic company to work for.
Finally, don’t forget that the news you create for your website can be used for other purposes too. You can edit the content you create for your website to generate press releases for local and trade publications or to produce content for company reports, reviews and business tenders. Having a record of all the great things achieved by your business to hand can be really useful.
If you’ve been meaning to add regular news articles to your website, or would like to update your website copy, Osborn Communications might be able to help. We can write regular news articles on your behalf to ensure that you’ve always got fresh content, and, to maximise the opportunity, we can share them on social media and with local and trade press too. Get in touch.