Client case study: Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP Growth Hub

January 26, 2024

Osborn Communications partnered with the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Hub to deliver an impactful case study-led social media campaign.

The client

The GBSLEP Growth Hub was part of the government-supported network of 38 hubs across England providing impartial, no-cost services to help companies start and grow. It was part-funded, managed and led by the GBSLEP.

The GBSLEP Growth Hub supported small and medium-sized businesses in the Greater Birmingham region at all stages of their journey with a broad range of services.

These included expert one-to-one business support, events, specialist programmes, funding, access to finance and peer-to-peer programmes.

The brief

The GBSLEP Growth Hub approached Osborn Communications to request a series of testimonial case studies that would encourage businesses across the region to engage with them by showcasing the great services that they provide.

The aim of these case studies was to raise awareness of the Growth Hub and increase lead generation.

The Growth Hub wanted to generate more visits to their website and social media channels and encourage more businesses in the Greater Birmingham and Solihull region to reach out for support.

Their target audience included SMEs in the GBSLEP area, MDs, CEOs and business managers.

What we delivered

Osborn interviewed a number of the Growth Hub’s clients in order to deliver five case studies and a series of social media posts on them showcasing how they had benefitted from Growth Hub support.

Each client case study consisted of 700 words or more highlighting how the Growth Hub had helped the client to grow their business and what the client had enjoyed most about working with them.

Three social media posts were created for each profiled client, including words and accompanying artwork, which was produced according to the Growth Hub’s brand guidelines. Each social media post provided a link through to the Growth Hub’s website to help drive traffic.

Osborn also recorded two testimonials from each client that the Growth Hub could use to promote their services in other marketing materials, including video interviews.

Growth Hub verdict

“Osborn did a fantastic job of providing well-written case studies and engaging social media posts for us.

“They really helped us to raise our profile online and promote our services to our target audience.

“The case studies and artwork represented us perfectly, and everything was delivered swiftly to meet the expectations of our brief.

“I would definitely recommend working with Osborn to others.”

Michelle Dalton, Growth Hub Marketing Manager


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