Businesses given award advice in expert workshop

Hayley Hall, Black Country Chamber of Commerce events manager, with Chris Leggett of Osborn Communications

August 22, 2023

With the deadline for this year’s Black Country Chamber of Commerce awards nearing, companies were given expert advice at a writing workshop by PR experts Osborn Communications.

Having helped clients achieve 108 finalist placings and 22 wins since September 2021, director Chris Leggett hosted the free session which outlined the opportunities to entrants with just 20 days left to submit entries.

The event offered 12 key tips for businesses that are looking to raise their profile through award recognition, along with practical guidance on how to make written submissions stand out from the crowd.

Delegates from a range of companies, including Black Country industrial firms through to start-ups, were guided through the writing process and given insights on how the judges are likely to select finalists and winners.

Awards countdown

The two-hour workshop was held on Tuesday 22 August at West Midlands House in Willenhall.

The event was part of the build-up to the Black Country Chamber Business Awards, which will welcome more than 500 attendees on Thursday 9 November 2023 at Wolverhampton Racecourse.

The deadline for entering is Monday 11 September.

Chris Leggett said: “It was a pleasure to speak to such an engaged audience from a diverse range of Black Country organisations, all with one common goal of submitting award entries which showcase the best of their businesses.

“We had some superb questions around the expectations of judges when reviewing submissions, the sorts of information that should be included and how to best summarise a company’s journey.

“We wish all the companies the very best for their award entry submissions as the Black Country Chamber of Commerce prepares for the big night in November.”

Track record

Osborn Communications, which won the Black Country Chamber of Commerce start-up of the year award in 2021, produces successful digital, PR and marketing work for a range of leading West Midlands brands and offers training services for companies.

With a rare offering for clients, the Osborn team has extensive award writing experience along with knowledge of staging internal and external awards events. They have also assessed entries and selected winners as judges.

Find out more about the benefits of entering awards here, or get in touch for further information on how Osborn can help your business with award entry writing, communications and PR.

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